I work with agencies and for direct clients, in a team or on my own, from a concept or from scratch.
Here are some of the people I've written for along with examples of my work.
Brand Book
6 Degrees Group
Website, advertising and newsletters
Aspidistra Software
Website, literature and press releases
Aura Alliance
Jockey communication on 'inside information'
British Horseracing Authority
Newsletters and yacht brochures
Burgess Yachts
Corporate and product brochures
Charles Stanley
Climate change leaflet for door-drop
Devon County Council
Website, blogs, case studies and literature
Double Edge
Advertising and literature
Douglas & Gordon
Olympic energy monitoring app and website
EDF Energy
Private client and corporate brochures
Francis Clark
Messaging, website, content, literature, case studies, newsletters and press releases
G3 Comms
Messaging and website for Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation
Radio script for Christmas commercial
Guildhall Shopping Centre
Messaging, promotional materials and TV commercial script
Historic Dockyard Chatham
Membership literature and advertising
Institute of Physics
Test drive promotion
Kia Cars
Advertising, literature and promotions
Learning & Skills Council
Thought-leadership article for Campaign
Marketing Store Worldwide
Promotional literature
Mike Burton
Fund-raising direct mail
National Trust
Staff and client newsletters
Newcross Healthcare
Messaging, website and literature
Messaging, website, literature and tutorial video scripts
Radio commercial script
Paignton Zoo
Researching and writing quarterly business magazine
Plymouth University
Consumer brochure
Messaging, Brand Book, advertising, literature and case studies
‘Go Play Rugby’ cinema concepts and printed collateral
Rugby Football Union
Farm Gate Direct literature
RSPCA Freedom Food
Messaging, Brand Book, corporate brochure
Skills Training UK
Positioning, messaging and literature
Soar Mill Cove Hotel
Promotional literature
South West Highways
Olympic bid and tourism literature
South West RDA
SIPP advertising and literature
Suffolk Life
Advertising and literature
Corporate and product literature
Vermilion Software
Bid proposal copy templates for Vodafone Global Enterprise
Brochure to attract funding